The Partially Sighted Society News Page

Hi From Nickie

Hi From Nickie

Hi all, it's Nickie here. As an art therapist working with the VI community, I always aim to make creativity and play accessible for all my service users. Recently I came across the game 'Frustration', by Hasbro Gaming, and I was so impressed at how inclusive this game is for people with sight loss.
Best Bits!
The counters are solid coloured characters, that slot securely into holes around the board and can't easily be knocked over or moved by mistake. There are also raised arrows around the board so that players can feel which direction to move their counters. The die is held in a clear dome in the centre of the board, and is rolled by simply hitting a lever - so users don't need to hunt for it on the table. Also, the die is marked with numbers rather than dots, and this meant that my client could use their phone app (Seeing AI) to hear how many moves they could go. Great job Hasbro Gaming!
Have you played this game? What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Please note: There are older versions of this game which do not contain the same elements, and therefore may not be as inclusive. The version we played is the latest iteration.
Disclaimer: The Partially Sighted Society is not affiliated with Hasbro Gaming in any capacity, and are not suppliers of this game.